Monday, September 15, 2008

Has it been this long?

Wow- has it really been 2 weeks since I posted last? I'm a horrible blog mistress- I'm sorry. Here's a pretty yellow rose from my garden to make up for it.

I was in a foul mood almost all of last week, and thought it'd be best if I didn't subject all of you to that- it was bad enough my hubby had to deal with it!

So, lets catch up! Since I've been away, Tommy and Caylin have both started school- Tommy is in 4K and Caylin is in 2nd grade this year.

Missy Maya is the only one not in school, but I don't think she minds. She's keeping us all busy with her climbing. What a little monkey! See the skirt she's got on? I whipped that one up all on my own. It's nothing special- just a couple of quarters of fabric, cut in half, and sewn together, with an elastic waistband. Luckily, she's still short enough that I could get away with that!

Speaking of climbing, Caylin has discovered her own climbing talent! Do you see her way up there? She loves climbing to the top of our apple tree and I think she enjoys scaring the be-jeeezes out of me too. Her theory is that the best apples are at the top of the tree. Next year, we may just have to spray so the bugs don't get to them before I do... my husband can already taste the Apple Dapple Cake I'll be baking next year. I may just have to surprise him with one.... one of these days.

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